Making your first chart


First, please make sure that you have downloaded the Flot file, if it`s not, you can go back to previous chapter to download. This is the first Flot chart you make, the most often used chart is line chart, so we use line chart as example. Line chart is often used for showing trends over time, temperature trend chart and stock chart are also often used.

Basic line chart

Starting to draw

Before you start to make charts, you have to specify a placeholder, this placehoder is where Flot will insert chart, you can put it in anywhere you want, between <body> tags.
    <div id="flot-placeholder"></div>
Next, set CSS width and height to placeholder, if you fail to do so, the error "Uncaught Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 0, height = 0" will occur during the process.
Then create data array like codes below,variable data is the data source, data source is used for specifing x and y axis data, such as [x, y], variable dataset is a collection of data objects, you can specify legend label by using label attribute, and specify data by using data attribute.
    var data = [
        [1, 130], [2, 40], [3, 80], [4, 160], [5, 159], [6, 370], 
        [7, 330], [8, 350], [9, 370], [10, 400], [11, 330], [12, 350] 

    var dataset = [
            label: "line1",
            data: data
There are a lot options you can use to make charts look more delicate while making charts.
    var options = {
        series: {  
            lines: { show: true },      
            points: {
                radius: 3,
                show: true
In the end, call the $.plot to finish making charts.
    $(document).ready(function () {
        $.plot($("#flot-placeholder"), dataset, options);
Three parameters are used for calling $.plot

$.plot(placeholder, data, options))
1. placeholder : a DOM element, Flot will insert chart into this element, this element must be specified with width and height.
2. data : a data array, as we mentioned above.
3. options : you can specify values to attributes in the options, or change the appearance of charts、choose what kind of charts to make.

Below is all of codes of basic line chart.
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">    
         <style type="text/css">
        <!--[if lte IE 8]><script language="javascript" type="text/javascript" src=""></script><![endif]-->
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var data = [[1, 130], [2, 40], [3, 80], [4, 160], [5, 159], [6, 370], [7, 330], [8, 350], [9, 370], [10, 400], [11, 330], [12, 350]];

            var dataset = [{label: "line1",data: data}];

            var options = {
                series: {
                    lines: { show: true },
                    points: {
                        radius: 3,
                        show: true

            $(document).ready(function () {
                $.plot($("#flot-placeholder"), dataset, options);
        <div id="flot-placeholder"></div>